Urgent need of teachers

We are urgently looking for freelance teachers for the TUDIAS Preparatory College and the DaF Intensive Courses during the winter semester 2022/2023 and summer semester 2023.

You will find all vacancies here.

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TUD language training: now on the OPAL learning platform

From the winter semester 2022/23, enrollment in the courses of student language training at the TU Dresden will take place via the OPAL platform. After decades of service, the LSKonline platform was shut down on 09/30/22. We wish it a wonderful and well-deserved retirement! Since the students at TUD are already familiar with the OPAL platform, they are sure to welcome the system change.

Enrollment starts now every semester on October 1st (WiSe) or April 1st (SoSe).

Enroll here (until 18th November)

The TUDIAS Relocation Service is now online

We want to support international prospective students in the best possible way on their way to study in Germany. Therefore, we are now offering the TUDIAS Relocation Service: With four different services, we will help you find a place to live, make sure that you submit your application completely, and get all applications and administrative procedures done in time.

For a first overview of the to-do's after your arrival in Germany, you can download the free TUDIAS First Steps Service.

Discover now

Bachelors in Germany: YouTuberin visits TUDIAS

What is a Preparatory College ("Studienkolleg") and how does it help students achieve their academic goals at German universities?

To answer these very questions, we had a visit from the team of the YouTube channel Foreign Ki Duniya. In the video, Komal explains how the application process for the TUDIAS Preparatory College works.

Watch the video

Freelance teachers wanted

For the TUDIAS Preparatory College and the GFL intensive courses, we are urgently looking for freelance teachers (m/f/d) who will support us in the winter semester 2022/2023 as well as in the summer semester 2023.

You can find all information about the job offers here.